Tip of the iceberg : : my 3,000-mile journey around wild Alaska, the last great American frontier

Title Tip of the iceberg : : my 3,000-mile journey around wild Alaska, the last great American frontier
Names Adams, Mark.
Book Number DB091086
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Book
Annotation Author of Turn Right at Machu Picchu (DB 75354) recounts his recreation of an 1899 voyage organized by Edward Harriman, chairman of the Union Pacific railroad, to survey the Alaskan coast. Discusses changes to cities since the original expedition and impact of various industries and climate change. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2018.
Language English
Local Subject Travel & Geography - 910
Travel & Geography - United States, North America - 917
Commercial Audio - CA
LC Subject Alaska - Description and travel
Audience Notes Male narrator. NLS/BPH
Unrated. Commercial Audio NLS/BPH
Publication Info Washington, D.C. : (Potomac Talking Book Services, recording studio) 2018 (Potomac Talking Book Services, recording studio)
Original Publication Reissue of: Unabridged. [New York, NY] : Penguin Audio, 2018. 9780525594338
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