Off the leash : : a year at the dog park

Title Off the leash : : a year at the dog park
Names Gilbert, Matthew.
Book Number DBC11433
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Book
Annotation New to pleasures and the chaos of dog ownership, a Boston television critic gets into the routine of taking his headstrong puppy to a nearby park that is a frequented by a colorful cast of humans and their free-ranging pets.
Language English
Local Subject Humor - HUM
Animals - Zoology - 590
Agriculture - Animals & Animal Care - 636
Agriculture - 630
Animals - Dogs - 599D
LC Subject Dogs - Behavior - Anecdotes
Parks for dogs - Anecdotes
Audience Notes Male narrator. NLS/BPH
Publication Info Watertown, Massachusetts : Perkins Library, Perkins School for the Blind, 2019
Original Publication Recorded from: New York : Thomas Dunne Books, 2014.
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