A wonderful journey : : the autobiography of Dick Crane Originally SMA00574

Title A wonderful journey : : the autobiography of Dick Crane Originally SMA00574
Names Crane, Richard L.
O'Keefe, Peggy.
Ryan, Susan.
Smith, Wylie, narrator.
Book Number DBC04193
Title Status SHELF Download
Medium Digital Book
Narrator Smith, Wylie.
Annotation Born in 1924 in Rhode Island, Dick Crane began a long and challenging journey. Throughout his days as a youngster at the Arthur Sunshine Home and then a student at the Perkins School for the Blind, his years running a newsstand in Newport, and his travels, he has demonstrated a strength and positive spirit that have inspired many around him.
Language English
Local Subject Autobiography / Memoirs - B-MEM
Biography - Disability Interest - B-DIS
Social problems - welfare & services - 362
Disability Interest - DIS
LC Subject Blind - Rhode Island - Newport - Biography
Vending stands - Management - Rhode Island - Newport - Biography
Audience Notes Male narrator. NLS/BPH
Adult Level
Publication Info Watertown, MA : Braille and Talking Book Library, Perkins School for the Blind, 2012
Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library 1997 Watertown, MA
Original Publication Recorded from: Middletown, R.I. : WIM Pub., c1995. 9780964109216
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