Roald Dahl's Revolting Recipes.

Title Roald Dahl's Revolting Recipes.
Names Dahl, Roald.
Book Number DB058687
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Book
Annotation Recipes for preparing some of the scrumptious and wonderfully disgusting dishes that appear in Dahl's books. There's wormy spaghetti from The Twits (RC 32792), toffee-apple trees from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (RC 33498), and frobscottle from The BFG (RC 44101), among other tasty treats. For grades 3-6. 1994.
Language English
Local Subject Cooking & Food, Juvenile - JCOOK
Cooking, Food & Drink - 641
Home & Family Management - 640
LC Subject Cookbooks
Audience Notes J
For grades 3-6. NLS/BPH
Publication Info (APH, recording studio). 2007 (APH, recording studio).
Original Publication Recorded from: New York : Viking, 1994.
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