Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top-Secret Military Base.

Title Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top-Secret Military Base.
Names Jacobsen, Annie.
Book Number DB073459
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Book
Annotation Journalist examines the history of Area Fifty-one, a secret military facility in the Nevada desert. Discusses the importance of the Atomic Energy Commission's initial control of the site and the public's fascination with its mysteries. Reveals details of highly classified "black ops" projects carried out there. Bestseller. 2011.
Language English
Local Subject History - World / Foreign - 900W
War - NonFiction - WARN
Generalities - Knowledge, Trivia, UFOs - 001
Generalities - 000
Military science - Air & special forces - 358
Public administration & military science - 350
Generalities - Controversial Knowledge - UFOs, Hoaxes - 0019
Bestseller, NonFiction - BEN
United States - History - 973
US - Western United States - 978
Audience Notes A
Female narrator. NLS/BPH
Bestseller. NLS/BPH
Publication Info (American Printing House for the Blind, recording studio) 2011 (American Printing House for the Blind, recording studio)
Original Publication Recorded from: 1st ed. New York , NY : Little, Brown & Co., 2011. 0316132942
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